Minimalist Challenge

I’m so excited to start this challenge, I’m a big fan of the blog The Minimalist over at !

The latest challenge is for the month of October we get rid of items corresponding with the number of the date. For example, for today October 1, we get rid of 1 item, October 2nd, 2 items and so on and so forth. Check out the lin above for more info on this “game”. You can sell, toss or donate these items, they just have to be gone by midnight on that day.

I’m so happy to be doing this, it’s really going to get me back on track with clearing out my apartment since I’ve been slacking lately.

Wish me luck!

Learning to live in the moment,

Journey To Minimalism: Room 2

250 pieces later…and I’m still going.

I’m still in the process of decluttering, I’ve been so busy this week it’s taking me longer than expected. I try to a little bit everyday to at least make sure that I’m getting something done towards the end goal…slow and steady wins the race!

Back to this 250…I’m totally amazed and a little embarrassed that we actually had that many pieces of clothes lying around that we just weren’t wearing. As I’m going through some of this stuff, I get a little depressed knowing that 1) I’ve wasted so much money on stuff that we didn’t actually need and 2) that we’ve been holding on to this stuff when so many other people are in need. Going forward I will definitely be thinking long and hard before I buy anything. More to come…

Learning to live in the moment,

Journey To Minimalism: Room 1

This process is harder than I thought it would be.

I started out in my son’s room, naturally he has a lot of “stuff” to go through, I noticed that he’s more open to giving things away though, that’s a definite bonus. I really couldn’t handle a kid running behind me putting everything back. We were able to get about three big bags of clothes out of his room, we’re not quite done yet. We still have to go through his book shelf and his closet once more. I also managed to clear out my linen closet and filled another big bag of stuff. We’ll be going to the Salvation Army later today to drop off what we have so far…then back at it. The goal is to have the entire apartment done by Friday. It’s going to take some work but I know we can do it.

Learning to live in the moment,