The Dream Being Realized

Faith without works is dead.

I’ve been keeping very busy with my business over the last few weeks, I’m happy that things are finally coming together and I have faith that things will work out. I can definitely say that I understand the above statement 110%! I’m looking forward to doing great things in the near future.

Until then, I need to get back on my health and fitness regime…I’m taking some FREE classes at the local community centre for the next couple months. I’m so happy that it’s finally starting to warm up around here. If it’s one thing I love it’s going for long walks on a warm morning or a late evening stroll.

I’m back in full fitness mode as of today!

Sweet Potato Green Smoothie

I will be the first to admit that I was very skeptical about putting sweet potato in my green smoothie. I have a friend who swears by it but I didn’t have the guts to try it until now. I’m usually not a big fan of sweet potato and maybe that’s why I wasn’t really in a rush to even try it. I’m happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t too thick and you could hardly taste the sweet potato, I will definitely be adding this one as one of my go to smoothie recipes.

Here’s what I used:
1/2 Sweet Potato
1 cup Spinach
1 Orange
100g Greek Yogurt
1 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon protein powder
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed

20140401_213159[1]Loved this recipe! I am officially a fan of sweet potato in smoothies…



Green Smoothies

As promised, I’ll be posting some of my Green Smoothie recipes as I go along. For today, I did a really quick and simple one because I was already running late for work.

I used:

1 cup of Spinach
7 pieces of frozen strawberries
100g Greek Yogurt
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed


I added a few cubes of ice and I was good to go…I had half for breakfast and the other half as a snack.

Green Smoothie Challenge 2.0

As part of my plan to kick this Chronic Fatigue to the curb I’ll be doing another Green Smoothie challenge, I’ll be using it as a cleanse of sorts. I really enjoyed some of the combinations I was able to come up with the last time I did the challenge. I’ll be posting some of the recipes as I go along, I’ll be doing the challenge for the month of April instead of a week.

I’m excited about this new challenge…there’s no time like the present to get things done. I’m ready to get it done!

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome…I would never believe there could be such a thing until l experiencing the symptoms. I’m been dealing with this for a little over a year now. I just always thought there was something wrong with me because I was always tired, ALWAYS. No matter how much I slept or tried to relax and have down days. Not to mention that I’ve been an emotional wreck because of this for the longest time.So what am I going to do?? I’m going to beat this thing! I’m tired of being sick and tired…I’m looking at a number of things, some of them include changing my diet, meditating and a few other things. I’ll be documenting as I go along to track progress for benefits and set backs. 

I am prepared and ready to kick this thing in the butt and move on with my life.

Creating Your Future: Writing Your Affirmation Letter


There are many times in my life when change is needed – and when I get the urge to make the bigger, scary, challenging changes – then this tip always come into practise 🙂

Writing is a very powerful tool – it helps release/create our truth and grounds us. It also helps to clarify our thoughts/inspirations, so we are not holding them within – which can have a counteracting effect by becoming confusing!

How to create this affirmation letter?

Affirmations are very positive as they re-wire your thought patterns and break through fears, which may have been stopping you from going for what you want.

When you write an affirmation letter, you are basically writing as if you are in the future and explaining what you have in your newer version of your life.

Let’s get started!

First, let’s do a visualisation meditation. Sit in a quiet place and let…

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